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Pomsky Dog Breed

Even among people interested in our four-legged friends, not everyone has heard of the Pomsky. No wonder - this is a new breed of dog, bred recently, but has already caused quite a stir. So, meet the Pomsky, a mix of husky and spitz.

Characteristics of pomsky - character and temperament

It should be said at once that the Pomsky, like practically any litter of different breeds, has an unstable character. Too little time has passed since the breed was bred to be able to make a confident judgment about it. In most cases, the character of a particular individual can be judged based on the behavior of its parents.

They are cheerful dogs, characterized by their restlessness. They love to run around and have a lot of adventurousness, which has been passed on to them from the husky. Therefore, on walks be careful. Despite the angelic appearance, the pet often tries to escape to explore the world around them without the annoying attention of the owner, who always does not let them into the most interesting places.

His character is even, calm. But at the same time, the dog treats strangers with a healthy degree of distrust, as if expecting them to do something nasty. But he loves his family members and will not annoy them unnecessarily.

Breed Description

This Métis is a purely decorative dog. Therefore, it is definitely not worth hoping that he will fulfill any practical function. His purpose is to please his owners with his cute appearance and pose in front of the camera for Instagram, which he does with pleasure.


To speak unequivocally about the appearance of the pomsky is a thankless task. After all, it is a hybrid, which has not yet finally formed. Therefore, there are no rigid standards yet. Much depends on the situation and random play of genes.

Exteriors vary. For example, the first generation, which came directly from the Husky and Pomeranian Spitz (F1) looks like a mixture of these two breeds. By the way, male Pomeranian Spitzes and female Huskies are used for breeding. With backcrossing, there is a high risk that the miniature mom will not be able to bear puppies normally.

Further on, puppies may inherit more features of one breed and another.Therefore, even in one litter there may be dogs that are very different from each other.The degeneration of the bloodline is not uncommon either.

Specialists working with pomsky, specially made a certain gradation with several types of exteriors to make it easier to judge the representative of the breed:

  • The Foxhound type is a successful combination of the graceful bone of the Spitz and the stretched body of the Husky. The muzzle is pointed and the coat is semi-long and smooth. As a result, the pomsky becomes fox-like.
  • The plush husky is a compact and fluffy dog with a thick, bagel-curled tail and a short Spitz face.
  • The White Pomsky is the largest and most rarely seen type. Their graceful muzzle combined with their perfect white coloring makes them sought after among connoisseurs.
  • Blue-eyed, brown - perhaps, of all representatives of pomsky this species is the most photogenic. Alas, it is rare. Blue eyes in sum with elongated muzzles and double hair give the dogs an adorable appearance. No wonder instabloggers are on the hunt for such puppies.
  • The short-haired Pomsky is the least sought-after variety on the market. The coat is short and stiff (taking the worst from both breeds) depriving the dog of special charm, because of which the puppies are not popular.

So, remember, buying a hybrid is always a lottery. The appearance of the pet may change over the years, and even experienced geneticists, not to mention simple cynologists, will not be able to judge the characteristics of its offspring.


The ideal weight for a pomsky is 11.02-15.43 pounds. But it is worth bearing in mind that mestizos weighing 22.05-26.46 pounds are also not uncommon. It is almost impossible to determine at puppyhood how much a puppy will weigh - everything is determined by chance.


Pomsky most often inherits coloration from the husky. So, the following variations can be considered the norm:

  • black and white
  • white
  • pale
  • silver gray
  • copper
  • brown

Solid and mottled coloring is also common and is not a fault, which is not the case with marbled coloring.

It is also worth paying attention to the color of the eyes. In general, it is brown-yellow, brown, hazel-greenish and blue. Heterochromia - diverticulosis - is also not uncommon.

Life expectancy - how long do mini huskies live

It is pleasant that nature has given the pomsky a long life - many representatives of the breed live 12-15 years, no less than their parents. After all, hybrids often have a reduced life expectancy.


In normal times, a pomsky's coat does not need any special care, as it does not tend to roll up into tangles. Thanks to this, it is enough to comb it out only once or twice a month.

But seasonal shedding is another matter. During these days (as a rule, not more than a few weeks a year), the hair flies actively and can cover all surfaces in the room with a thick layer. To prevent this from happening, and the pet does not lose its attractiveness, you will have to actively comb out both the hair and undercoat, using a special brush and fluffer. This should be done daily during the shedding period. For allergy sufferers, pomsky is not the best choice.

Is it suitable for a family

According to many experts, a Spitz crossed with a Husky can be a great choice for a large family. They love activity (inherited from the husky) and are ready to run and play with youngsters for long periods of time. But at the same time, they are no stranger to comfort (the influence of the Spitz), so the dog will be happy to relax in the company of lay-boys, nestled nearby.

In this case, do not expect that the pomsky will demonstrate outstanding loyalty or boundless devotion. No, the blood of Spitzes flows in their veins, so often cute dogs inherit not only a cute appearance, but also a certain selfishness, rarely seen in other dogs.

 Almost always in the family they have a certain favorite or leader. His orders pomsky is ready to fulfill almost unconditionally, while other people are often ignored. Therefore, training is important - the pet must be controlled both at home and on a walk. But still, in most cases they are malleable and good-natured, although sometimes there are real fits of stubbornness.

Attitudes towards children

That's a tricky one. On the one hand, Pomsky is half husky. Therefore, they love children and are ready to play, run and wrestle with them for hours on end. But on the other hand, they often inherit the character of the Spitz, at least in part. And they are known to be particularly tolerant and are not distinguished. And a child who has allowed himself more than allowed and crossed the boundary of personal comfort of the dog, can pay for it. First he will hear a threatening growl, and then a bite may follow.

We recommend getting a pomsky only for families with older children, from 11-12 years old. At this age, kids already understand that a dog is not a toy, and a pet should be treated with respect.

Attitude towards other animals

Pomsky treats surrounding dogs calmly and without excessive aggression. They rarely go to the conflict first and in case of aggression from the side prefer to retreat under the protection of the owners. The same applies to strangers - their dog perceives them not as a source of potential danger, but as future friends. Therefore, using a pomsky as a guard or watchman is a failure.

Relationships with small pets are complex. A dog can both ignore them and perceive them as potential prey. Therefore, the neighborhood with a cat or guinea pig can cause a lot of problems.


Aggressiveness to anyone in pomskies is almost completely suppressed. No, if they are cornered or driven to anger, they may well not only growl, but also put into action sharp, strong teeth. But most of the time pets exude optimism and friendliness.

Still, the need for socialization should not be forgotten. It is desirable that the puppy spends a lot of time with other dogs, getting used to the idea that he is not the center of the universe. True, even in this case, there is a probability that all the dogs started after the pomsky, will instantly fall into the list of dislikes. After all, over the years of life in the family, the dog gets used to the fact that the owners adore and surround with love. And suddenly have to share attention with someone else! Here speaks the blood of the Pomeranian Spitz - an egoist, accustomed that all the best gets exclusively to him.


What the pomsky cannot be denied is a remarkable intellect. It is understandable - both parents are distinguished by intelligence and this feature is fully passed on to the offspring. True, intelligence is often passed on and cunning. The whole mind of the Spitz is aimed at doing something naughty, and then avoid punishment for what he has done. Therefore, control must be constant and punishments must be unavoidable. Yes, this may seem cruel. But without it, the dog will lose his bearings and turn into a real punishment. And he himself will not become happy.

Despite their intelligence, training with them is unproductive. Even to learn the simplest commands, the pomsky spends a lot of time, and the trainer - forces. The point is not in the stupidity of the dog - it does not fully understand why to perform the same actions over and over again. Therefore, the most reliable way to convince the pet that it is necessary - to use a treat to consolidate the effect. For a simple petting or compliment, the pomsky will not want to work.

Are pomskies a noisy breed?

If you live in a cramped city apartment with poor soundproofing, make sure your neighbors don't mind the round-the-clock barking. Because pomskies love and know how to bark. And it would be strange if it were otherwise. The love of barking has been passed on to the Métis from both ancestors. So, be prepared that the pet will try to inform you about any event in life. Thirsty? Neighbors loudly slamming doors? An unfamiliar dog barking in the street? Rest assured - the pet will inform you and the nearest neighbors about it by raising a restless bark.

You can punish him for this, scold him, but you can hardly fix it - it is not even a flaw, but a feature of the breed, which can be corrected with the help of professionals.

How loneliness is tolerated

It's hard to find a breed of dog that likes to sit alone. And Pomsky is no exception. They can sit alone for a while, but they don't want to spend their whole life in this state.

Adult dogs, in principle, are able to spend a few hours every day without company. But puppies get bored much faster. So when you get home, don't be surprised if some of your shoes are chewed, wallpaper is peeled off, and everything that Pomsky could reach was destroyed. It is silly to scold him for this or punish him in any other way - the dog was bored and decided to have fun in the way available to him. To reduce the likelihood of trashing the apartment, leaving the pet, do not forget to give him a few squeaky dog toys and balls- the dog will surely get carried away by them and will not be distracted by the fact that to put "order" in his own image.

Potential health problems

It is not uncommon for mestizos to be born sickly and their care gives their owners a lot of problems. However, this is not the case with Pomskies. These dogs are characterized by good health and rarely need the help of a veterinarian. It is true that sometimes with age their eyesight deteriorates, and if you do not take care of their teeth, plaque forms on them, turning into tartar, which can lead to serious problems.

The only thing that spoils the life of pomsky is allergies. They have intolerance to different products, so introducing something new into the diet should be carefully and a little at a time to make sure that this or that treat will not only be to the pet's taste, but also will not cause harm to health.

Keeping it at home

Buying a pet is not that difficult. But it also needs to be properly cared for so that it lives a long and happy life. There can be no trifles, so the question should be approached responsibly.

What to feed

This is probably one of the most important issues an owner will have to deal with. On the one hand, the dog must receive all the necessary microelements and vitamins for a healthy life. On the other hand, it is not always possible to spend a lot of money or time on pomsky nutrition. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the diet does not include products that cause allergies.

There are two options: natural food and dry food. Let's take a closer look at both.

Natural food is good because it is cheaper. But you can't store such food for a long time, so a couple times a week you will have to prepare a fresh treat and put it in the fridge so that it doesn't spoil.

 The main component of the dog's diet has been and remains meat and offal. The latter are used not only to save money - they contain many microelements that are not found in meat. So, take lean meat (poultry, rabbit, beef), cut into small pieces and boil almost to readiness. Then in the broth add groats (millet, buckwheat or oatmeal) and cook until it is ready. Then finely chopped or grated vegetables are added to the porridge - carrots, pumpkin and zucchini are ideal. The finished dish should have the consistency of liquid porridge or thick soup. Then it will be easy for the dog to eat and digest.

A simpler option is to feed dry food. The main thing here is to choose small enough pellets - large ones will be difficult for a miniature pomsky's jaws to chew.

Walking and physical activity

Pomskies love to run - this passion has been passed on to them from huskies. Therefore, walks should be long - at least an hour and a half a day in total. Of course, all this time the pet should move, not sit near the owner, settled on a bench. Take outdoors suitable toys, which the dog will be happy to run after to bring to the owner or play. Then he will keep a great mood and health for many years.

But at the same time, you should be careful and cautious during walks. After all, the love of freedom and adventure they fully inherited from the husky. Until the puppy has become more obedient and used to obey the command "come to me", it is undesirable to let him off the leash. If he is playing with other dogs or chasing prey (pigeon, cat, butterfly), he may get lost or end up under the wheels of a car.


Hygiene is simple. It is enough to comb once a week - more often is not necessary, as the process of hair renewal is not constant, but only during the seasonal shedding period. Bathing is the same: only in cases when it is necessary. It is desirable not to bathe the dog more often than once a month or two. And in this case, use special shampoos, so as not to dry out the skin.

Dental hygiene is a more serious task. As mentioned above, pomsky has a tendency to form tartar. Therefore, it is necessary to brush the dog at least weekly. True, if the pet has plenty of special toys that can be chewed, and also he has beef bones, which are sharpened and cleaned teeth, then the procedure can be carried out less frequently, about once a month. In this case, do not forget to use a special toothpaste for dogs - without a pungent odor and taste. If you can't buy it, you can replace it with simple baking soda.

Trim the nails as they grow. If the dog runs enough on walks, it should be done not more often than once or twice a month. If the walks are not enough, then the procedure will have to be performed more often.

Finally, ear cleaning is done two to three times a month. Use for this purpose cotton swabs soaked in clean, warm water, as well as ear sticks.

Need for care

Many pomoski have actively working lacrimal glands. Because of this, you can often see tears and sometimes pus on the eyes. There is nothing to be afraid of - most likely this is a natural reaction to dust or other foreign bodies. But to prevent the fur in these areas from darkening (noticeable in light-colored dogs), you should regularly clean the eyes and bridge of the nose. For this purpose, cotton disks and veterinary lotions will be useful (in no case not ordinary ones - they often contain alcohol and have a pungent odor).

Cost of maintenance

As we have already been able to find out, pomsky is not the cheapest dog. But it is not enough to buy a pet. He also needs to provide a comfortable environment. And this is often associated with serious additional costs. Let's immediately understand what expenses the owner of the dog will face.


If the dog has a weight of 5-7 kg, he will eat at least 90-120 grams of food per day. After all, it belongs to active breeds that move a lot and need a lot of calories. It would seem - a little. But feed expensive pomsky budget fodder can not - they contain almost no proteins of animal origin. To cheapen them, they are replaced with soy. And on such a diet, the dog quickly earns a complex of diseases.

Therefore, you need to buy only high-quality dried dog food, at least 40-60% consisting of freeze-dried meat and offal.

Of course, if you use natural food that you prepare yourself, the costs will be reduced. But you will have to spend much more time on preparation.

Veterinary Medicine

Fortunately, Poms are less likely to get sick than many other members of the glorious canine tribe. Therefore, in most cases, it is necessary to spend money on veterinary services for preventive examinations, which should be carried out at least once a year. The cost to attend is an average of $75. It is worth considering that older dogs should go to the examination more often - at least twice a year.

Of course, if a disease is detected, it may be necessary to spend a lot of money on medication and treatment. But this rarely happens.


Many dogs can be trimmed, bathed, combed and brushed at home. But not Pomsky! After all, this little guy should always look flawless, to please his owners and to look properly in the photos that you will certainly want to post on social networks.

However, if you don't care so much about how your pet looks, this additional expense can be waived.

Pros and cons of the breed

The character and appearance of the breed is strongly influenced by genetics and heredity. Therefore, the main features may vary. But still the most important advantages and disadvantages can be highlighted.

On the plus side, experts include:

  • sharp mind
  • virtually no aggression
  • calmness
  • friendly disposition

True, there are disadvantages too. One of the main ones is the lack of a breed standard. In other words, officially the breed does not exist, it is a hybrid. Therefore, it will not be possible to participate in exhibitions and receive awards even with the most elite pomsky. And with a litter is always for luck - there can be both beautiful puppies and unsuccessful hybrids.

Also worth considering is the habit of loud barking. Of course, it is not that deafening barking husky, but still pleasant from such noise is also not much.

In addition, the pomsky inherited from the husky the habit of digging holes. If you leave your dog alone for a long time, be prepared for a hole in the couch!

Finally, the need for high activity should not be overlooked. Pomskies need to run often and a lot. Without this, they feel worse, and with abundant feeding also gain excess weight, which often leads to the development of serious diseases.

History of the Pomsky breed

Pomsky fans are probably curious to know how and where this breed originated.

As stated earlier, it is not a breed, but a hybrid. Therefore, it is not worth looking for references in reference books - the International Cynological Federation did not recognize the fact of its existence.

The first pomskies appeared in the United States in 2013. In a few months, an official club of fans of these dogs was organized, and then there was a popular fashion for them. Many Instagram stars decided that the presence of such a pet will definitely make their page more attractive and popular. Not surprisingly, many breeders decided to bet on a new and original variety of dog and began to actively cross Huskies with Pomeranian Spitzes.


The name of the breed came from the combination of two breeds used in the breeding of pomskies - the Pomeranian Spitz and the Haski.

The hybrid turned out to be unusual and successful. Up to the very old age, the dogs most resemble husky puppies, which makes them popular among many connoisseurs of cute pets.

Owner reviews

Perhaps, the article would be incomplete if not to cite reviews from real owners with experience in keeping a pomsky.

Many of them note the malleable, peaceful character of the pet. In addition, they appreciate the attractive appearance, thanks to which the pomsky entered in the shortest time in the list of the most popular dogs in the world. Well, the ease of care is also not the last of the characteristic features.

True, not everyone likes the increased activity inherited from the husky. Poms should run a lot - only in this case they will be in tune and can live a happy life. Well, the habit of barking loudly on and off can not only spoil your life, but also mar relations with neighbors, unless you do not live in your house.

The cost of a pomsky in the United States

The cost of a pomsky in the United States can range from $1,500 to $5,000. Many factors affect the price: pedigree, color, sex, age, socialization, health, reputation of the breeder, and even region.

What affects the price:

  • Pedigree: The more noble the ancestry, the more expensive the puppy.
  • Color: Rare colors like Merle or Husky will empty your wallet more.
  • Gender: Girls tend to fetch more.
  • Age: Adult dogs are usually cheaper than puppies.
  • Socialization: Puppies that are already familiar with people and commands are more valuable.
  • Health: Checked and vaccinated puppies offer peace of mind, but also a higher price.
  • Reputation of the breeder: Breeders with an impeccable reputation and care for their dogs do not dump.
  • Region: Prices may vary from state to state.
  • Season: Puppies are more expensive during breeding season.

Availability: Poms are not the most common breed, which also affects the price tag.

Keep in mind:

In addition to initial costs, a Pomsky will require regular expenses for food, toys, veterinarian, training, and insurance.

Is it worth it?

The Pomsky is more than just a fashion accessory. It's an energetic, playful, intelligent and loyal dog that will become a true family member.

But remember:

  • A Pomsky is not a toy.
  • It is a living creature for which you are responsible.
  • Buy Pomsky only from reputable breeders, carefully studying all the nuances.

Be prepared for the fact that the pomsky will require a lot of attention and care from you.

In return for your love and care pomsky will give you boundless devotion, loyalty and a sea of positivity.

Similar breeds

It is difficult to say which breed is most similar to the Pomsky. All the same, there is a wide range of sizes and personalities among the breed's representatives. But, perhaps, the closest to them is the Alaskan Klee-Kai. In appearance, the pomsky is similar to the husky, only greatly reduced. Some representatives of the breed are also Japanese Akita-inu, but the similarity here is not too great.

Concluding the article, we can say with certainty - pomsky although not an independent breed, but each of their number is able to become a faithful friend for the animal lover. The main thing is to appreciate the pet and take care of it - you can be sure that in return you will get much more.

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