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How to Give Them Quality of Life

Everyone loves a cute little puppy, but dogs get old just like we do. Whether your dog has been a lifelong companion or you've adopted them in their later years, older dogs need special treatment. They can get aches and pains in their old age, and they have less energy than when they were a frolicking puppy. So now that your pooch is getting long in the tooth, how can you make your home more comfortable for them? As well as making sure they always have somewhere warm and soft to sleep, looking after their health and well-being is essential too. Make your older dog happy with these slight adjustments to their lifestyle.

A Comfy Place to Sleep

We all get a bit tired in our old age, and older dogs want to sleep too. Your dog might develop arthritis or just feel more sleepy when they're in their later years. Making sure they have a comfortable place to sleep is one of the first things you should do to make them happier. There are lots of luxurious dog beds for your best friend to lay their head on. Give them a bed with lots of padding, so their old bones are cushioned. It's also a good idea to put their bed in a warm place, where there are no drafts. They'll also prefer it if their bed stays in the same spot, so their routine isn't disrupted.


Artur Staszewski

Senior Food

When your beloved pet gets a little older, you might need to change his diet. Some changes in your dog's body and health might call for extra nutrients in their food. For example, they might need some help keeping their skin and coat healthy and glossy. You might want to talk to your vet about increasing your dog's GLA intake. GLA is an omega-6 fatty acid that helps to keep a dog's skin and coat healthy, and they may produce less of it when they're older. Make sure your dog is still getting enough protein because they need just as much in their old age.

Looking After Their Health

There are lots of health conditions you might need to watch out for as your dog grows older. You'll need to take care of both their physical and their mental health since dogs can get depressed, stressed or develop dementia. Some of the physical conditions you might want to watch out for include joint problems, respiratory issues, and signs of cancer. Make sure you take your older dog for checkups with the vet, especially if you think there could be something wrong.


Most dogs will start to slow down in their old age. They still need exercise, but they're less likely to want to walk for miles. It's important to take their health and energy levels into account for their exercise program. Watch them for signs that they're too tired or in pain, and make sure you don't push them too hard. You should still keep a routine so that your dog is getting fresh air and moving about.

Your senior dog might need a little more care in his twilight years, but he'll love you more for it. Dogs are for life, so do your best to make them comfortable at the end of theirs.

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