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Pet Guides: Guide (Page 4)

Types of Food that Your Dog Should Avoid

Just because it's your much-loved tea-time treat, it doesn't mean that you should feed it to your dog. There are certain types of food that are not only difficult to digest by dogs, but that can seriously damage their health. By ensuring that you're aware of these foods not only means that you'll be serving meals that your dog will surely love, but also make certain that you're not causing severe, or even fatal, consequences for your dog. Make sure that... ❯❯❯

The Pros and Cons of a Career Working With Animals

Mankind would not enjoy the life it does without animals. People and animals have been connected for the entire length of their histories. There is evidence that the precursor to today’s dog congregated at the edge of man’s earliest settlements, eating together, hunting together and staying safe against the dangers of the outside world. Much has changed over those thousands of years, but animals and people are still intertwined. That’s why a career... ❯❯❯

Top tips for a great safe summer with your dog

Finally, after what has seemed like much more than a year of waiting, the Summer is upon us once again! However, whilst we humans are excitedly cleaning up our BBQs and shopping for shorts and sunglasses, for our canine companions Summer is often much less appealing. The long hot days can be a real drag for those with shaggy coats, and holidays can mean endless travelling in stuffy cars, however, with these simple tips Summer should be a real blast for... ❯❯❯

5 Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Pet Allergens at Home

Our fuzzy friends can be fun, unconditionally loving companions, but sometimes they can be carriers of allergens that can make us miserable. They don’t mean to make us sneeze, cough, and feel generally dismal – it’s just part of their nature. While the fur isn’t considered an allergen, our pet’s dander is. Yet, our canine and feline friends can also be carriers of pollen, mold and dust. In addition, we can also be allergic to their saliva and urine. In... ❯❯❯

Safety Considerations When Purchasing Animal Toys

In addition to adequate food and water, shelter, and lots of love, you’ll need to provide your pets with playful stimulation in order to ensure their ongoing health and happiness. A dog or cat can sit at home all day and wait for you to get home from work (they’ll probably sleep most of the time you’re gone), but once you arrive they’ll want to interact, and they’ll likely have a lot of pent-up energy to get out, as well. One good way to keep your furry... ❯❯❯

Common Household Plants That Are Dangerous for Dogs

You might think that dogs will eat just about anything and they will if you let them. However, there are a number of plants that can actually lead to some serious health effects if consumed by your family pooch. The symptoms can range between moderate, like excessive drooling and lethargy, to serious, with severe gastrointestinal pain and even death. Veterinarians recommend that dog owners keep many of these plants out of reach of their pet or out of the... ❯❯❯

Pet Communities in Your Area – What Can You Get and Why Should You Give Back

There are pet communities all around the world – and chances are that there is one wherever you live as well. In fact, it is quite probable that you have, in one way or another, already made a contribution to such a community. For example, you might have already adopted a pet from a local pet shelter or paid a visit to a local veterinarian. In fact, it can be said that you are participating in a pet community simply because you own a pet. What Can You... ❯❯❯

How to Add Another Pet to Your Home

It can be wonderful to bring another pet into your household, but it can also take some getting used to for your new addition, your current pet (or pets), and yourself. These tips—along with a little time and patience—can help make it less stressful for everyone involved. A Room of Their Own Before you bring your new pet home, set up a cozy private room where they can start acclimating to their environment peacefully. Giving them a separate space also... ❯❯❯

5 Basic Commands to Teach Your Dog

Dogs are right up there, along with dolphins, chimpanzees, and ravens, as the world’s smartest animals. Dogs can even be trained for complicated jobs, like firefighting, bomb sniffing, guidance for the seeing-impaired and some are even taught to smell diseases way before they can be diagnosed by a doctor. Best of all, most dogs don’t mind being compensated with lots of treats. And it’s not at all true what they say about old dogs not being able to learn... ❯❯❯

The Best College Majors for Animal Lovers

If you love animals and want to dedicate your life to them, sometimes your best option is to go to school, get a degree and make a career out of it. Landing your dream job in an animal related field is a great way to accomplish your goal. A lot of these careers offer the ability to not only work with animals, but also travel and make a sizable annual salary. Many undergraduate degrees allow animal lovers to work in a number of environments, like conservati... ❯❯❯

How The Pet Food You Choose Affects Your Cat's Digestive Health

When watching NBC’s hit series “The Voice” I love watching the judges interact. Each is so talented in his or her own right that it is difficult to choose a favorite – or at least it was. Once I saw Cee Lo Green appear onscreen with a fluffy white cat in his arms, my heart melted. Who doesn’t love cats? They are the perfect pet! Of course, that is probably what prompted Cee Lo to give his cat the name Purrfect, because despite her perpetual scowl her... ❯❯❯

Doggie Proofing Easter Baskets

Children get very excited with all of the fun filled things in their brightly colored basket and will run through the house like a whirlwind, possibly losing Easter basket prizes as they go. The dog is hot on their heels, retrieving those prizes and enjoying this new game. Obviously, no one wants to ruin the joy of Easter for children, but neither do we want to endanger the family dog. With some thinking and some gentle rules, children can enjoy their... ❯❯❯

Weird Sleep Habits In The Animal World

Weird Sleep Habits In The Animal WorldHumans definitely possess a variety of odd sleep habits, but have you ever wondered about the rest of the animal kingdom? Every creature on this earth has their own acquired sleeping patterns, often influenced by the environment in which the animal sleeps. For example, over time humans evolved to sleep 6-8 hours a day, construct shelters for protection from elements and to sleep in communities to reduce dangers from threats like wolves, bears, and... ❯❯❯

Are You Ready To Bring Home A Rescue Dog?

Are You Ready To Bring Home A Rescue Dog?Deciding to adopt a dog is a real act of kindness.  You are choosing to give that dog a second chance at a happy life:  many people who adopt dogs feel that their dog knows that it has been ‘saved’ and is all the more grateful and loving for it.  Campaigners for animal rights point out that buying dogs from pet shops or breeders when there are so many dogs in shelters needing homes is tantamount to treating dogs as commodities, buying and selling them for... ❯❯❯

Is Wet Food Better For Your Cat's Diet Than Dry Food?

Everyone’s opinions are different in the cat food debate; some think that wet food is more nutritionally balanced and therefore more suitable for a cat’s dietary needs, whereas others maintain dry food is more practical and allows cats to ‘graze’ and eat when they feel like it.  So which is best? Your Cat’s Physiology Cats are carnivores and unlike dogs, can digest both animal and vegetable protein.  This means that cats need lean protein as the... ❯❯❯

Things To Consider When Buying A Pet For Your Child

Are you thinking about buying a pet for your child? Before making that decision, there are things you should know and think about carefully. Maturity Level Your child’s maturity level is perhaps the most important thing to consider before you buy them a pet. Most experts agree that a child under the age of five lacks the maturity to help care for a pet or understand the importance of caring for a pet. Every child matures at a different pace. How well... ❯❯❯

Are Cats Causing A Decline In The Bird Population?

Are Cats Causing A Decline In The Bird Population?The hunting activities of the domestic cat have long been a cause of argument and distress. Even cat owners do not generally enjoy their regular gifts of corpses not to mention bird loving and fish keeping neighbours who can find the presence of a feline resident very distressing. Bird lovers have argued vigorously that feline intervention is a cause of declining bird populations but until now there has been no scientific evidence of exactly how many... ❯❯❯

How To Save Money By Making Toys And More For Your Pets

How To Save Money By Making Toys And More For Your PetsHaving a pet is a wonderful experience that ensures you're never alone and never bored, and that gives you tonnes to talk about whenever you have guests. But there's bad news too - which is the unfortunate fact that pets are also very expensive and actually too expensive for many people to afford. If you have an animal then and your bank account doesn't look quite like Richard Branson's, you may be wondering about ways you can save money. Hand one of... ❯❯❯

Pet Care - There's No Other Job Quite Like It

“Pets are such agreeable friends, they ask no questions and they pass no criticisms” said George Eliot about pet animals. Pets often reciprocate the love that their masters lavish on them by demonstrating various forms of affection including licking, hickeys, even love-bites. There’s no other job quite like keeping a pet. Pet care is in fact a permanent job, and includes the very important functions of grooming and striving to maintain good pet health... ❯❯❯

Inspirational Pet Stories of Love, Hope and Healing

Inspirational Pet Stories of Love, Hope and HealingIf you belong to that special group of people who adore your pets, relax, you’re in good company! Clients who I’ve met through my profession as a pet portrait artist have become like my extended family. I remember one man who called for a portrait of his cat named Allyn who had just made her transition. He was totally bereft and felt that a painting of her likeness might help him to heal. In going over his photos, he told me of the one he had picked out,... ❯❯❯

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